This script will loop through all users under C:\Users and dump all roaming text files from Notepad++.
Example Usage
PS E:\devop-scripts> powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\notepad_dump.ps1
[-] 'Public' doesn't have any roaming Notepad++ data.
[+] Dumping Notepad++ data from 'user' to: C:\Users\void\AppData\Local\Temp\user\notepad++
[+] Dumping Notepad++ data from 'user2' to: C:\Users\void\AppData\Local\Temp\user2\notepad++
[-] 'user3' doesn't have any roaming Notepad++ data.
[+] Dumping Notepad++ data from 'void' to: C:\Users\void\AppData\Local\Temp\void\notepad++